Sunday, September 10, 2006

Ford, Junior and his Voting History

Last week, I confronted Congressman Ford on a local radio talk show about his National Security voting record. You read all about it here. Brian's Blog had an update here where Kelvin Moxley attempted to answer for Junior.

This morning the News-Sentinel has this story written by Tom Humphery discussing an RNC commercial detailing Junior's deplorable voting record on National Security. Junior still wants to call everyone names. He believes everyone is lying.

Being a Ford and the son of a Congressman that got caught up in the Congressional Check scandal. Being a Ford and the nephew of indicted Senator that is the king pin of the Tennessee Waltz scandal. Being a Ford and the nephew of Ophelia Ford that was elected by dead people in the Senate district. I can see why little Junior may feel some paranoia for everyone is lying to me. It's O.k. Junior, just stand up for your record. Either you cast these out of touch with Tennessee votes or someone cast them for you. Come Clean, Junior. There is redemption in coming clean.

I am happy to see that Ben Mitchell of the Corker campaign has used the line that you have read here the other day. I used the infamous line in response to Kelvin Moxley trying to explain away Junior's actions by saying "he voted for the Patriot Act bill, but voted against the Re-Authorization" Now we find out in today's News-Sentinel, He voted for the Patriot Act, voted against the first Re-Authorization and may have voted for a second Re-Authorization. No wonder poor little Junior is confused because, He voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it before he voted for it before he voted against it.

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