Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ford, Junior on Character.. Yeah Right!

Update: There are two comment post that will not been published. One is totally off topic the other makes a personal attack, which violates this part of the Rules of Engagement for Commenting.

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A threat is a part of the second post, indicating that if the comment were not posted it would posted on another web source. Had the person provided an email address, Brian's Blog would have followed up with them to explain why both post will not be published. They have a blogger account without an email on their profile. Which would indicate they are anonymous.

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Ford, Junior was on WNOX NewsTalk 100.3 yesterday from 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. on the Triple H show (Hallerin Hilton Hill). Someone called in and asked Junior about his faith and his postion on Character and the role it plays in life.

Junior said he is a Christian. I am not refuting that. He did not inform the listener what church in Memphis or Washington that he attends or is a member of.

The biggest problem is that when he talks of character in life. He is leaving out his father who got caught up in the Congressional bank controversy. His uncle that is under indictment for taking over $50,000.00 in bribe money from undercover federal agents in exchange for favorable legislation. His aunt who was elected with votes cast by dead people. He is Junior. They say that apples don't fall far from the tree.

More specfically, when Junior is confronted with his own voting record by a caller to a radio talk show, like me, here and here, he resorts to screaming and saying the person is lying. That is real character, Junior. Maybe where Junior is from it is but not in East Tennessee.

Individuals that believe that Junior is someone they can vote for remind me of an incident where people will fall for just about anything. Remember, the so called Evangelist Jim Jones and the Kool-Aid.

The voting record of Junior while in Congress for the past ten years are detailed at this blog. I am a contributor with others at the blog. Thus far the blog is being used as a detail point for Junior's voting record.

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