Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Harold Ford, Junior - Lost His Temper and Can't Handle His Record

For those listening to The Voice on AM 1180 this morning, you heard me call in and ask Harold Ford, Junior about a couple of recent votes he cast in Congress. Junior, hit the roof. He proceeded to shout over me and referred to me several times as lying. During the conversation I continued to repeat the House Resolution number, the Congressional Quarterly number and dates of the votes. He resorted to name calling, accusations and an attempt to intimidate.

I have followed up with an email to Kelvin Moxley, Co host of the show and to Harold Ford, Junior. I copied the email to Bob Davis, Jr, Chairman of the TN GOP, Chris Devaney and Randy Stamps of the TN GOP, Ms. Smithson, Field Representative of Bob Corker for Senate, Hallerin Hilton Hill of NewsTalk 100, Kelli Parker of Volunteer TV, Gene Patterson of WATE, Hubert Smith of the Hubert Smith Show on AM 850, Frank Cagle of Metro Pulse, Georginana Vines of News-Sentinel, Michael Silence of News-Sentinel, Charmin Froth of the Fountain City Focus, Dan Barille of the Farragut Press, bloggers; Voluntraily Conservative and Oatney World.

Here is the email in it's entirety:

Less than 1.5 hours ago, I called in to The Voice on AM 1180 located in Knoxville and asked their on phone guest, West Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford about the latest Ford television commercial. I will entitle the commercial, The airplane.

I asked the Congressman about two votes that he has cast in the past regarding National Security..

Congressman Ford accused me of lying (several times, during the 3-4 minute conversation) I gave the dates, H.R. and CQ vote number. The Congressman still maintained that I was lying.

I understand from past media reports that the Congressman's DNA may cause him to resort to accusations and attempts to intimidate. I will forgive the Congressman for his accusations, when he apologizes for his accusation.

Here are the votes that I was talking about.

In 2005, Ford Voted Against PATRIOT Act Reauthorization. (H.R 3199, CQ vote#414, Passed 257-171: R 214-14 D 43-156; I 0-1, July 21, 2005, Ford Voted Nay; H.R 3199, CQ Vote #627: Adopted 251-174: R 209-18; D 44-155; I 0-1, December 14, 2005, Ford Voted Nay

In 2004, Ford Voted Against Reorganization Of U.S. Intelligence And The Creation Of A National Intelligence Director. (H.R 10, CQ Vote #523: Passed 282-134: R 213-8; D 69-125; I 0-1, October 8, 2004, Ford Voted Nay)

I am formally requesting Congressman Ford to issue an apology to me personally for the Congressman making the public accusation that I am lying about his record. That apology must be sent to ASAP to

Best Regards,

Brian Hornback


  1. Thank You Gregmac.

    I continue because I know that I have warriors like you behind me. I will continue to do battle with the liberal elitest as long as we got each others back.

  2. Good Job, man!

    It's not East Tennessee I'm worried about; you guys should be a lock.

    It's soft in Middle, close to Nastyville.

    We'll all have to work to keep this guy in West Tennessee a little longer...

  3. Thanks.

    After this morning, I have proven that Junior has a short, short fuse and can't handle the truth of his record.
