Tuesday, September 19, 2006

If You Respect Women, Spread the Word

If you respect and love the women in your lives. Warn them about the candidate running for the United States Senate as a Democrat. He first accepted and cashed a check from the pornography industry, if that were not bad enough, he then wrote a check to the pornography industry. (he says he returned their money)

If you believe that pornography is demoralizing and demeaning to women, if you believe that respect for women and traditional moral values is important. Spread the word about the Democrat candidate for the United States Senate.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    Uh ... this is fairly old news, like several months or so. I first heard about this back before the primary in August and you're just getting to it now? You must be really busy.
    He should have kept the money rather than return it. That way the Porn Industry wouldn't have been able to use it to make more porn. Which is what I'm sure they did with it. That or donate it to a rape crisis clinic.


  2. Actually, this issue was brought up while Junior was taking phone calls on a local talk radio station yesterday. I hadn't forgotten it. When the caller asked him and Junior dismissed it in his immature manner. It became fresh again.

    Issues do not stale for time, In politics issues are issues.

    You avoid the fact that this candidate is someone the porn industry desires to be in the U.S. Senate. In my opinion, the people of TN would not have the smae opinion as the porn industry.
