Monday, September 18, 2006

Knox County Commission and the Sheriff Department Deputy Pension

This morning the NEW Knox County Commission had its first voting session. They were meeting on the issue of the Sheriffs Department Deputies Pension Plan. The new Commissioners joined right in with Mark Harmon, Phil Ballard, R. Larry Smith and Greg Lambert all asking very thoughtful, intellectual questions.

The primary question remains, how does Knox County pay for this Defined benefits Plan. The cost is in the neighborhood of $57.1 million or $135.0 million if amortized over 30 years. It could cost anywhere from $1.7 - $6.1 million per year. No decision was reached today on if the start-up money would begin immediately or if it would be stretched over 30 years.

The first vote after an hour and 37 minutes was an amendment offered by Commissioner's Luethold and Hammond changed the language included in the ballot referendum. The language would indicate that passage of this Charter amendment would have a .08 property tax impact. That is not to say that our taxes will rise .08 cents as the County Commission could identify the .08 in the current budget and pass any cost savings toward the funding of this much needed pension plan for our deputies.

The 10 Commissioners voting for the amendment were; Jordan, M. Harmon, J. Schmid, Hammond, Leuthold, Griess, Cawood, Smith, Pinkston and Clark.

Those Commissioners voting for the referendum as amended were; Jordan, Strickland, Tindell, Norman, I. Harmon, Hammond, Luethold, Griess, Cawood, Lambert, Smith, Moore, Mills, Ballard, Pinkston and Clark.

Those Commissioners voting against the referendum as amended; M. Harmon, Schmid, Guthe.

Mark Harmon and John Schmid voted to include the .08 amendment to the referendum, but then voted against the referendum or the publics right to decide. John Schmid made comments during the meeting that we should not rely on the "uninformed voting public" to make these decisions. This is the reason that we have a representative government. Schmid said.

Commissioner Schmid is this the same uninformed voting public that on August 3rd re-elected you? The same uniformed voting public that were told by you that you would not serve this term, until after the election when you said that you would not step down. Hmm.

Mark Harmon asked an interesting question. He said that he had read where some Commissioners have family and or potential conflicts. Would any Commissioner like to make a statement or recuse themselves? M. Harmon asked. The answer to his question was met with complete silence.

Brian's Blog is in support of the pension plan change, more information will be forthcoming. Brian Moran of the FOP made an excellent point at today's meeting. "If it is good enough for the people that teach our children, it should be good enough for the people that protect our children."


  1. Brian -

    My question is: can this pension be created without adding to the relatively high tax burden in Knox County?

    If it can, then I don't see a problem with it. If it means a tax rate hike, I will be the first to sign recall petitions on the entire lot.



  2. I agree with Dean and we as a community must do whatever it takes to make it right. Thanks, Dean
