Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Knox County School Board Members Respond

Brian's Blog contacted 6 of the 9 Knox County School Board Members for comment on the allegation that Commissioner John Mills made at yesterday's meeting about some school board members being real close, but refusing to go to Carter Elementary. Brian's Blog also asked about their reaction to the Commission approving the $6.0 million dollars coming from the Schools current FY '08 Capital Improvement Plan.

Several responded back off the record (Brian's Blog indicated if they wish to not be quoted, we would honor their request). The belief of the members responding off the record is it will be difficult to pass this action at the School Board with other projects in jeopardy.
Second District School Board Member Indya Kincannon provided an indepth response and indicated that she was fine with her comments being reported. As a service to the Brian's Blog readers, we are providing the comments verbatim. Thank you to Ms. Kincannon for availing herself of the Brian's Blog forum.

Personal note to Ms. Kincannon and other readers of Brian's Blog, in the future Brian Hornback responds to Brian, his friends simply refer to him as Hornback or BH.
Mr. Hornback is Brian's father, who also lives in Knox County.

Dear Mr. Hornback,

Thanks for contacting me. I have personally visited Carter Elementary school. I got a tour of the school from the principal and asked her to highlight their needs due to facility deterioration or over-crowding. I think I was there last Spring, but I can't recall the exact date. I make a point of visiting all schools on our proposed capital plan, whether they are in my district or not. I do not know how many other School Board members have visited the school.

As for the Hardin Valley High School issue, I would have preferred if County Commission had given us additional funds to build a school for 2100 students. I feel strongly that we should build the school for 2100 students since the main reason we are building a new high school is to relieve over-crowding, and since MPC's projections indicate continued growth in that part of the county. At this point I would consider adding $3.5m to our capital plan in FY08 for FFE (furniture, furnishings and equipment) for the additional classrooms, but would postpone funding for a field house, softball and baseball field and student parking. With scarce resources we have to focus the money on classroom items first and foremost. HVHS would not be the only high school lacking those amenities. Fulton is one of several high schools that manages to educate its students without a softball field, baseball field, or field house and only limited student parking.

Of course without additional funds from Commission any additional expenditures will result in delays in other needed projects. Inskip and Belle Morris are two schools in my district that are in need of renovation and additions. Shannondale is growing out of its space and has a rapidly growing enrollment too. I will work with my colleagues on the Board to strike a balance among our various needs and also our fiscal constraints. We need to keep our debt service under control so it doesn't eat up our operating budget. The operating budget is where the lion's share of our school dollars are spent. Facilities are essential to education, but the people educating our children are our most valuable resource and I want to keep them in mind as we set our budget priorities.

Indya Kincannon

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