Friday, September 29, 2006

October 4, 2006 - Sims Market in Hardin Valley

Brian's Blog was the first to report about the Knox County School System sending a letter on August 4, 2006 telling the Hardin Valley landmark, Sims Market that October 4, 2006 they must close.

Commissioners Greg Lambert and Mark Cawood organized a Community rally and the next thing you know Bill Connor a local Contractor stepped forward and offered to connect the building to sewer free of charge.

The story is that during site prep on the high school being constructed next door, the heavy equipment got into the septic tank and drain field. The School district maintained it was to costly to connect the business to sewer. Brian's Blog took the position that the company that got off of the school property should have fixed it, but we digress.

Bill Connor made his offer and one person stepped up and took it to the school district. This person persuaded the school district to accept Mr. Connor's offer. Brian's Blog wishes to thank Thomas Deakins. School Board Member Thomas Deakins has been on the school board for 29 days. He has saved Sims Market, he attended the two and a half hour County Commission meeting about the Hardin Valley High School. The day after his first school board meeting, Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog had the opportunity to talk with Thomas at the Farragut High School Open School about his first meeting and pending matters before the school board.

Good job, Thomas.

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