Thursday, September 14, 2006

Phil Bredesen doesn't want to protect TN's Kids.

This from Bill O'Reilly over at Town in March 2006.

-- Tennessee: No minimum prison terms for child sex crimes. Democrat Governor Phil Bredesen doesn't seem to care.

O'Reilly has named Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen as the "villain" for making Tennessee 1 of 10 "Predator Friendly" states who refuse to implement Jessica's Law.

“Ten states flat out refuse [to get tough on child molesters]”, said O'Reilly. "No minimum prison terms for child sex crimes. Democrat Governor Phil Bredesen doesn't seem to care."

Shame on you, Bredesen, this is another accomplishment for you Phillip. Add this one to your inflation of graduating rates. Your increase in unemployment rates. Your failure to address and fix TNCare. Your habit of shredding sexual harrassment compliant files in your office to cover up for high ranking Tennessee officials. Your habit of punishing state employees for supporting Republicans. Your habit of allowing your high level employees to endanger the lives of Tennesseans by driving a warp spped on the interstate.

Jim Bryson values our children and will protect them. Unlike Bredesen.

1 comment:

  1. S. Carpenter:

    You have mastered the liberal taking points. The bottom line is the liberal Governor known as Bredesen has refused to sign the maximum sentence for Jessica's law.

    Maybe you would like to Jessica's dad that you and Bredesen do not support the maximum sentence for the killer of Jessica, if they lived in Tennessee.

    As a father, I am troubled by the fact that Tennessee's children do not have the protection of 40 other states due to Bredesen's failure to be concerned about children victims.

    You liberals love to shoot the messenger. So, you attempt to shoot O'Reilly. It is probably the fact that you are envious of someone with O'Reilly's caliber pointing out the failure and true record of Phillip.

    On another issue:

    What is Bredesen's ailment? You as a citizen can not get a Mayo appointment, just because you want one over a tick bite. Certainly no one on TN Care can get a Mayo apppointment, with a day or two notice, over a tick bite.

    Bredesen has something to hide. As he filed a fake flight plan when the left Mayo, to avoid the citizens right to know. Check the News Channel 4 of Nashville website for the details of the flight plan coverup.

    Have a nice day
