Monday, October 02, 2006

Did You See?

UPDATE: The News-Sentinel has printed seven letters to the Edditor in todays edition (Tuesday, October 3, 2006) all with the messages of shame to the editorial leadership and in defense of our community, just as all Congressmen are not like the pervert from Florida. All West Knox Countians are not like this one mother.

This from yesterday's life section of the Knoxville News-Sentinel. I do not receive the newspaper and only purchase the Sunday edition. Every morning I get to my computer about 5:30 a.m. and check the news of the day, throughout the late afternoon and evening I check online for any updates and Breaking news.

However, Yesterday, I simply drove out and got my paper edition. When I saw this story, I said Why is this newsworthy? I began to read the story and couldn't believe this irresponsible parent. I wanted to ignore it, but was faced with it, at church and the soccer fields yesterday, when I appeared for a short time as a guest on talk radio and then a buddy of mine called me while I was waiting for my daughters soccer game to start this evening and he said, "You have to post about that story."

I am a native Knox Countian, I am not a native Southwest Knox Countian. You know the part between the City of Knoxville and the Town of Farragut. I always wonder why I get such a hard time from my family and friends in the area of Knox County where I came from (BTW, it ain't Halls) for having moved to West Knox County in 1992.

This is the exact reason, why West Knoxvillians get such a bum rap. The things that are amazing to me is if you are a parent that allowed your student to attend this party and were aware of the type of party that it was, shame on you. If you are a parent that has one of the four boys and you knew your sons role was to be a 15 year old Chippendale, you should have your parent license taken away from you. Oh, I forgot we do not have parent license.

As for this mom that would say "If I could have done it bigger, I would" Give me a break. Where is the father? Surely, there is one sane person around this woman and her daughter.

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