Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ford, Junior Crashes another Republican Event

UPDATE: Here the Chattanooga Times Free Press has an excellent article about little Junior crashing another Republican event. Additional thoughts about little Junior crashing these events brings to mind that when he was growing up he wasn't taught better. It's O.k., little Junior. We realize you just don't know proper etiquette.

This evening Ford, Junior crashed another Republican event. The event was the Duncan Family BBQ held at the Knoxville Coliseum. Brian Hornback spoke with Congressman Duncan's staff and Junior was NOT invited to the event it is "open" to the public. Brian and a few other Republicans were standing around talking when Junior walked up and stuck out his hand to the Chairman.

The Chairman did not shake hands with the Ninth District Congressman for a couple of reasons 1) Junior has failed to respond to the email correcting the Congressman for when he shouted and called the Chairman a liar on talk radio when the Chairman correctly identified the voting record of the former Ninth District Congressman and 2) This was a Republican event.

There was an exchange between Junior and former Councilman Ed Bailey. Chairman Hornback asked Junior what is the deal with you crashing events? Do Democrats not have events that you can attend? Junior walked off and left the event shortly there after. A reporter for the Junior's hometown paper the New York Times approached the Chairman and Chairman Hornback opted to speak with a Washington based Chattanooga newspaper reporter. The reporter for Junior's hometown paper the New York Times approached again. The Chairman indicated he really didn't want to speak with a reporter from a paper outside the state of Tennessee. He initially responded to one or two questions and then it was time for Congressman Lincoln Davis. More about that later.

Blogger Voluntarily Conservative witnessed the Lincoln Davis conversation and some of the Junior exchange. We are sure he may report on his view of the evening. Go check it out.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    It is true, Duncan BBQ is open to the public. I've even seen Green Party folks there. Which means anyone can go, even Rep. Ford and Rep. Lincoln can go. Even Gov. Bredesen was there. Come on, really, even I was there! Don't be so sophmoric (sp?). The Duncan BBQ is one of the greatest things in Knox CO politics, and you want to be all petty about it. You should have sic'd Stacey Campfield on them if you were really serious.


  2. Again, I didn't expect that you or your kind would agree with our position. The point here is that Bredesen was there as Governor. I didn't like it, that TennCare Manager Phil was there. btw, two of his security detail with him gave over $2,500.00 to his campaign four years ago. You remember Cash for Promotion. I wonder how much they had to give this year. The disclosures will be out soon. You must be so proud. But, little Junior was not extended an invitation.

    It is open to the public of the Second Congressional District and to Republicans. The last time I checked little Junior didn't fit in either category.

    I had an interesting exchange with Lincoln Davis about a recent speech he made on the house floor, where he supported gay marriage and making divorce illegal. (I have been married to the same woman for 18 years)He proceeded to tell me that Republicans were full of BS (he said the word) and liars and then told me several people told him they were democrats when he and little Junior walked in the room. I said Congressman you just said that my party was full of liars, don't you think they may have been lying to you? He walked off, he couldn't compete in a free flow exchange of ideas.
