Monday, October 23, 2006

Former TN Governor Winfield Dunn

Former Tennessee Governor Winfield Dunn is the Chairman of the Jim Bryson for Governor campaign.

Brian Hornback has long admired Governor Dunn. When Brian talks with community groups and Republican clubs he often credits the former Governor as the architect of the modern day Republican Party in Tennessee. In these speeches Brian often uses a quote that Governor Dunn used in announcing his candidacy for Governor in the early 1970's. The quote "Support me if you can, oppose me if you must, but above all participate."

Brian is pictured here with Governor Dunn as they waited for the first Gubernatorial debate of 2006 to begin at West High School. The photo was taken by Suzanne Dewar.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Hornback,
    I did some checking on Gov. Dunn (he was before my time in TN) and I have to say he's pretty OK. If St. Sen. Bryson is able to crack 40% in the polls on Nov 7th it'll be completely and totally because of this man's skill and character.

