Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hardin Valley High School still Over Budget

In September 2006 the Knox County Commission authorized an additional $6.0 million dollars to the Knox County School Board for the Hardin Valley High School. The HVHS project already at $44.0 million on the fourth Monday of September became a $50.0 million dollar project.

Imagine everyone's surprise that at the October 17, 2006 Progress meeting where no Knox County School Board or Knox County School District employee attended it was revealed that the project is still $1.3 million over budget.

From the progress meeting notes on page 4 of 5

Section 1.14 Construction Estimate:

Update - The current estimate is still approximately $1,300,000.00 over budget. the project team is working on additional measures to reduce the cost and will continue to work on the current bid packages out.

Action - MCI will provide the revised construction estimate on 10/24/06

Note: MCI = Merit Construction, Inc.
10/24/06 Progress meeting notes will be reviewed by the Brian's Blog team.

The question: Is the $1.3 over budget, over the intial $40.0 million dollar budget, the revised $44.0 million dollar budget or the approved $50.0 million dollar budget.

Either way that bust the PR balloon that the KCSB and KCSD has the project on time and on budget.

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