Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hardin Valley High School Zone Line Parent Meeting at Karns

Brian's Blog apologizes for the delay in posting this recap of the Hardin Valley High School Zone Line meeting conducted at the Karns High School Auditorium on 10/12/2006. There were nearly 125 persons in attendance. Assitant Superintendent Roy Mullins, presented . Superintendent Charles Lindsey was absent and no announcement was made about his whereabouts.

School Board MembersRex Stooksbury, Jim Williams, Thomas Deakins, Cindy Buttry, along with the fifth district school board member were present. The Knox County Schools Central Office staff that were present included, PR guy Russ Oaks, Transportation guy Rick Grubb, Assitant Superintendent of Administrative Services Bob Thomas and Director of Secondary Education Ed Hedgepeth.

A similar (a few changes) presentation to the one given at Bearden High the previous week was presented. The floor was opened for citizen input and discussion. The following are general snipits from each speaker.

1) A Lady made a comment that she has one daughter at KHS that participates in the ROTC, and loves the academic aspect of KHS. She has another child that is under consideration for rezoning. She would like to have ROTC and classes offered at HVHS that are offered at KHS. Russ Oaks stated that the Supt wants the same HS experience as all other schools at HVHS.

2) Dr. William Nichols asked have you thought outside the box – he presented a proposal to make KHS a Junior High, keep Votec – students going to KHS split to Farragut and Bearden. KHS Jr. High would pull from Farragut/Bearden. Pull ninth grade out of the population, the numbers would stabilize and would be o.k. There is a lot of development in HVHS. Campbell Station Rd is to be re-configured. Campbell Station to end at the entrance of HVES. The exit @ Hardin Valley Rd. and Pellissippi at 8:00 a.m. is deplorable.

3) A lady spoke about how her community was rezoned two years ago, for the past 10 years her community had been rezoned to Bearden, Farragut, Karns. She commented on students that are Seniors driving on two lane roads . She also asked if ROTC will be offered.

4) A lady commented that she attended the Farragut meeting and that in discussions with others in the community since the meeting a week ago that in the area that houses 400 students. How many students are you looking to pull out of FHS, BHS and KHS? WVMS will be divided into three high schools. What sports will be offered? Her daughter is a cheerleader, the distance along the Pellissippi to HV is 13 minutes. In the early morning hours it is very difficult. Russ Oaks indicated that 400 students need to be moved out of the current enrollment of 2200 at Farragut. Approximtely 200 students need to be moved out of Karns and Bearden. She also asked how many students do you plan to have in the Freshman and Sophmore class?

5) A mother challenged Russ Oaks about re-zoning on Francis Rd. She indicated that she is a city taxpayer.

6) A students that identified herself as a Sophmore said It is wrong to do this without talking to the students, You are screwing with our lives. You are creating alot of pissed off kids. Kids that have anger issues may led to blowing up schools.

7) A parent asked about 35 minutes from FHS to HVHS on a bus and asked if transit time would be considered.

8) A mother from the Piney Grove Rd commented about time of the opening that her children will be Fr/So/Sr. – So/Sr will be on Varsity football, Fr will be a female involved in cheerleading/dance. Fr/So will have to go to Hardin Valley due to grandfathering. Sports and playing in college is the goal of her children. They plan to play football in college. She doesn’t want 2 sons on opposing high school teams.

9) A mother spoke about how her daughter was zoned for Hardin Valley Elementary and was then transferred to Cedar Bluff Primary. When will a decision be made? Russ Oaks said Dec. 6, 2006 18 months before the school opens. The plan is to appoint the Principal in time for the Principal to learn the students.

10) A mother asked about Robertson Road off Middlebrook Pk. Russ Oaks said nothing we have considered. Rick Grubb stated not one of the areas to be considered.

11) A gentleman asked if the slides in the presentation are available – Yes, on the web at www.knoxschools.org

12) A mother spoke from the Piney Grove area. She said that she had attended Karns High School, but that her kids do not want to leave BHS. Russ Oaks commented on going from a bulldog to a beaver.

13) A father spoke from personal experience that siblings in other schools wasn’t a problem. He is a geographer and would like to see how the school district arrive at its decision, so that he can check it out.

14) A FHS senior indicated that this is my third school change. Friendship will stay, if it is real. She moved from Arizona, 1800 miles. Education is what you make of it. Study habits are critical.

15) A mother from the Piney Grove area talked of how the right side of the road attends BHS and the left side attend West High. Instead of being rezoned to KHS go they be rezoned to West High School.

16) Where is Oak Ridge Estates, off of Oak Ridge Hwy. It is in Karns PRZ zone.

17) A students that identified herself as 12 years old indicated that she is now zoned for KHS and now now maybe rezoned to HVHS. She said have you thought about listening to the kids. She said that she has spent 4 years of elementary school years away from her best friends due to a previous rezoning.

18) A parent said to take Bearden out of the equation. BHS already gets split up from WHS. Russ Oaks said what you are saying makes absolute sense.

19) A student in the 7th grade at WVMS said I don’t care as long as we are all together. Doesn’t matter what HS as long as all my friends are there with me.

20) A father said that he is not as concerned of friendships, kids need a good learning environment. Why take so many kids from such a far distance from across the cities. He went on to point out that when you answered we will have to talk to TDOT about the traffic situation at Pellissippi Parkway and Hardin Vally, It sounds like you haven’t even considered it. Russ Oaks said, We haven’t. The father went on to say, You shouldn’t take from far sides of the city and transport them. Will you be busing. The Traffic is crazy.

21) A parent that lives in the gray area. Which consist of Snyder Road. As for the people with a Senior at Farragut High School, a Sophmore at Karns and another HVHS. He asked that the school district grandfather all students. There are currently 3 high school buses in his neighborhood with them going to separate schools. This is a little much. Will there be AP classes at HVHS. Knox County has a booklet that identifies the classes offered, but KHS doesn’t offer them all.

22) A father pointed out that HVHS in an area that is not densily populated. Was MPC data used. Russ Oaks gave an evasive answer. Was the option of expanding the three existing high schools with no new high school.

Russ Oaks indicated the projected enrollment would exceed 3000 students.

That means that the projected increase is 50% over an unknown period of time. Resulting is these capacity numbers.
FHS – 2200 – 3300
BHS – 1900 – 2700
KHS – 2300 - 3450

23) A father indicated that he had just moved from Maryland . He was thankful that the school district is building a new school. He asked that the school district look at development growth.

24) A parent asked When will the board decide what model to use; small community academy, traditional high school. The School Board Chair stated that she hopes the Superintendent will name a Principal first.

25) A man from Hardin Valley asked about sports. He asked that I know its in the plan, but if you’re plan falls short where will they play ball. Russ Oaks said it id the Superintendent’s intent to offer it all.

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