Sunday, October 22, 2006

Saturday edition of the News-Sentinel

UPDATE to the UPDATE: 7:52 p.m. A certain tabloid publication with a tabloid Editor reports that as of 6:00 p.m. October 22, 2006 there was no Update. The time stamp is 4:31 p.m. for the Updated post. This tabloid inserted this item as a "Gossip or lie". Since this item is clearly a lie. Can anything this tabloid editor print be considered truthful? Enquiring minds want to know.

UPDATE: The posting of this item was pre-mature and a knee jerk reaction. Please accept the apology of Brian's Blog. Brian Hornback after studying the story and the emails on the knoxnews website has made the decision to not focus on comments from a few detractors and a couple of tabloid journalists more than 19 months ago. One of the detractors was unable to garner more than 25% of the votes in the May 2006 Republican Primary.

Chairman Hornback will continue to led the Knox County Republican Party. In his efforts the Party is unified and in the countywide election of August 3, 2006 the results were a County-wide Republican Sweep. ("The Countywide Sweep" is all races Countywide. District races are not Countywide. This explanation is inserted for the sole use of tabloid writers and editors of tabloid publications. The productive members of society, do not need an explanation.) The Knox County Commission is currently led by a 14-5 Republican majority due to Chairman Hornback's efforts to unify all members of the Party.


Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog read the Saturday edition of the Knoxville News-Sentinel online this morning. A couple of Scripps writers have written a story in today's paper. In addition Scripps published some emails on the Knoxville News-Sentinel website that discuss Chairman Hornback and the Republican Party Re-organization some 19 months ago.

Brian this morning and afternoon will be coaching the 2 youth soccer teams that he has coached since August 2006, he will enjoy the UT -vs- Alabama football game with family and friends. Sometime this evening and into tomorrow he will discuss with advisors closest to him what if any response is needed.

Any statements that will be made, will originate from Brian's Blog. This morning is the second time that Scripps reporters have failed to seek comment from him on stories written about him. The first story resulted in a complaint being filed with Scripps Publisher concerning a breach of journalistic ethics by one of its reporters.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Hornback,
    The article isn't about you. You are mentioned only as a peripheral and somewhat marginal player. I will agree that you were not mentioned in a positive light but several other people weren't either. If the KNS was under any obligation to contact you they would also be compelled to contact everyone mentioned in the perloined emails. Such action is not necessary. The story was about how the emails were perloined, and by whom. Not whether or not you agree with Chad Tindell's estimation of you as a person of character. That's simply gossip - talking about someone when they are not around. That's how you should address this issue. Getting all indignant about it only makes you look silly and guilty, which I do not beleive you are. Guilty - I do not beleive you are guilty.
    Hang in there!

