Tuesday, October 24, 2006

School Board Vice Chair Cindy Buttry takes a stand to hear from the people....While the School Board Chair decides to rescind a previous decision

Last evening at the School Board Workshop Vice Chair Cindy Buttry took a stand asking that the HVHS zone line be released prior to the November 20, 2006 Workshop where the zone lines will be presented with Board and public discussion. The School Board Chair immediately said, No there will be NO public discussion on November 20. Cindy Buttry said that is not what we told the communities.

Cindy Buttry is right. Cindy Buttry attended all three community meetings and stayed for the entirity of all three. Brian's Blog had numerous reporters at the Farragut High meeting and Brian Hornback along with various reporters attended the Bearden and Karns meetings. Even Russ Oaks last night indicated that they had informed the communities that they would be able to speak on November 20.

The Board Chair can not recall the statement from the Farragut meeting, because she attended less than one hour of the two and a half hour meeting.

To add insult to the communities injury. The Board Chair announced that they could not and would not hold the meeting at Andrew Johnson Building. The Small and Large Assembly rooms of the City-County Building are not available. School Board Member Robert Bratton said "Let's go to West Knoxville." The Board Chair said No. The communities will say we are favoring one community over another. The answer the Board Chair has come up with is to hold the meeting at Fulton High School on the north side of town in the shadows of the I-40 construction mess. There isn't even a Broadway exit from I-40 east, just past downtown for those traveling from West Knox County. Instead you will have to travel through the woods and over the bridge and through many red-light cameras. This could be a revenue scheme for the City of Knoxville. Increase traffic through the red-light camera intersections in hopes of catching a few West Knoxville cars running a yellow light.

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