Wednesday, October 11, 2006

WBIR demonstrates Bias

Last evening following the U.S. Senate debate that was aired on WATE Channel 6 (ABC) and WBIR TV 10 (NBC). WBIR anchor Bill Williams, a Chattanooga area editor and Knoxville Attorney Don Bosch had an on camera "follow-up" panel discussion and interviewed the candidates.

As Knox County Republican Party Chairman, I received many phone calls and emails complaining of the nature of the follow-up broadcast as the attorney panelist took a different tone with Corker than with Ford, Junior. Many grassroots Republicans believed that it showed bias on the part of WBIR and Gannett in its ugliest form.

Today, I was informed that later this week, WBIR will tape a 30 minute segment with Corker and a 30 minute segment with the Democrat nominee. WBIR and Gannett have made the decision to not have the normal Inside Tennessee panel that would include Susan Richardson Williams and instead have Bill Williams (who participated in the episode, last night), Robin Wilhoit and John Becker (the new anchor, that I have personally met and believe he provides real promise for the station) The two 30 minute tapings will air as a one hour Inside Tennessee this coming Sunday.

As Chairman, I petitioned that Susan Richardson Williams be included on the panel. Bill Shory said No. I petitioned that Susan Richardson Williams be allowed to participate on the panel with the Congressman. Bill Shory said No.

Bill Shory contends that his on camera appearance this evening (during the 6:00 p.m. newscast) acknowledging "mistakes were made" and that WBIR and Gannett violated the Code of Ethics that as Shory's indicated are posted on the wall of the newsroom.

Interesting to note that in my conversation with Bill Shory less than 30 minutes ago, immediately after his on camera statement. He said. "I stand by the performance of Don Bosch last night as a panelist."

Right after Shory acknowledged bias and mistakes were made. The station launched a "news story" about a recent RNSC television commercial against who the Democrat nominee.
This race for the U.S. Senate has now reached fever pitch with WBIR and Gannett showing bias in the same manner as CBS and Dan Rather.

It is critical that we wage this war in the grassroot trenches, put out more yard signs, talk to more neighbors, send emails to your entire address book, make phone calls. We must stand with our candidate, Bob Corker, we MUST expose this Democrat candidate's real voting record. We are now not only running against the Democrats, but now the mainstream media that reside at 1513 Hutchison Avenue.

We all need to work a little harder for Bob Corker, Jim Bryson for Governor, Congressman Jimmy Duncan, State Senator Randy McNally, State Senator Tim Burchett, J. Randall Parker for State Representative, State Representative Park M. (Parkey) Strader, State Representative Bill Dunn, State Representative Frank Niceley, State Representative Stacey Campfield and State Representative Harry Brooks.

Contact Information:
Bill Shory email or 865-637-1272
Jeff Lee, WBIR General Manager email or 865-637-1010

Gannett Co., Inc.Headquarters 7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA 22107 (703) 854-6000

Fighting Bias against Republicans!

Brian Hornback
KnoxGOP Chairman

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