Tuesday, November 14, 2006

BREAKING NEWS: Moncier gets first hand look at the Sheriffs Department operation

This from KnoxNews.

It appears anti-Sheriff attorney Herbert Moncier decide to go through the McDonalds drive-thru on Cumberland Avenue. He wasn't pleased that he had to wait, so in typical Herbert fashion, he proceeded to defend the "people" in the drive-thru lane. Had Herbert gotten his food, he could have cared less about the "people". The problem with a temper tantrum in a McDonalds and the courtroom is the public doesn't have to take Herbert's temper tantrum.

Now, Herbert gets to visit the Knox County Dentention Facility for booking and a possible short stay in a cell with Bubba. I am sure that Greg Issacs or Don Bosch will be shortly behind to post any bail or bond needed to free Herbert. I hope the Sheriff is there to greet Herbert when he arrives.

I served on the Knox County Jail Inspection Committee for about four years, three as Chairman. In the jail, the food is served quicker than the drive-thru, the food is as good, but you do not get the option of super sizing the value meal.

I would love to have soon the look on Herbert's face when the KCSD cruisers pulled into the McDonalds. That would have neccesiated a fleeing feeling on Herbert's part. Jamie Satterfield asks in this News-Sentinel report why the Sheriffs Department responded. Jamie, the Knox County Sheriffs Department has jurisdiction, the city is in the county. It doesn't matter if the call from McDonalds came through 911 or through the county's tele-serve.

In the past during the Phil Keith KPD days if/when an incident happened in the City, I requested KCSD.

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