Friday, November 03, 2006

Bredesen caters to his base......

UPDATE: Brian's Blog received an email from none other than the Governor himself. He explained how difficult it was to hold the pose while the photographer snapped the picture. We have thanked him for understanding and replying to the humor. Brian's Blog thanks the Governor publically.

This picture recently appeared in the Oak Ridger. Brian's Blog sources have researched the photograph and have determined that it has a hidden meaning. It is a coded message to the Bredesen base. Bredesen is reaching out to the illegals that are here in Tennessee by demonstrating how to jump the fence.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    You and the Brian's Blog Analysts need to review your basic Psyclogical Symbology. This is not a demonstration of "illieagal border crossing techniques." This is obviously a manifestation of the good Governor's deep rooted problem solving paradigm: "Fence - gate - inconvinent - hop fence - solution." I wouldn't read too much more into it than that, if I were you - but of course I'm not so ...


  2. SteveMule:

    You need to lighten up and take a joke every once in a while. Your party professed some stupid hidden message in the RNC ad and then you get your underwear in a wad when we are just having fun.

  3. Brian -

    Funny stuff! LOL



  4. I thought he was just about to sit on the as usual.

  5. Mr. Hornback,

    Got'cha!!!! :-)

    My totally on the spot, made up during my luch hour at home, off the top of my head, completely fake liberalistical pyschobabble is taken seriously ...

    Seriously ...

    All us now ... Deep S L O W breaths until Tuesday night ...

    Seriously ...

    We can do this ...


  6. Brian,

    I dare say it would be impossible for us to be more fundamentally in disagreement on every political issue imaginable, and I'll contend till the day I die that the Corker ad was racist.

    That said, You totally win best comment ever on this picture. Pretty dang funny.


  7. All you politicos kill me with your fine analysis. Fact-of-the-matter is this simple: there was a large tick on the left side of the fence.

