Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Knox County Election Commission - Failure to Perform its Duties

Sources indicate that the KCEC is unable to retrieve the 2,625 votes cast in the election at Downtown West Early Voting site.

If the sources are correct and these 2,625 votes are not retrieved and counted. All five Election Commissioners and the Administrator of Elections should be held legally responsible and removed from conducting any other election(s).


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    This is a rather trivial matter. The voting devices contain two 'chips', one is to be accessed by the local officials. The second is embedded in the machine and can only be accessed by the manufacture's technicians. The call has gone out to the manufacturer, and in fact, they are already in town.
    The second chip is a fail-safe in case an issue arises. If there are no issues the second chip remains in the amchine and gets reset at teh next election.
    No crime, no scandal, just a screw up that the adults at the KCEC are handeling appropriately.


  2. We will see.

    My sources indicate that it doesn't look good for KCEC or the 2,625 voters. This after the Manufacturer Rep has examined the device
