Monday, November 20, 2006

Knox County School Board Chair Calls Superintendent Staff on the Carpet

The Knox County School Board Chair this evening called the Superintendents staff on the carpet and red faces were abound. It was revealed that when the board members were previewed the information this past Friday, they were shown numbers for 10 years. At the three community meetings it was communicated to the public that the proposed zone lines would be 10 year zones.

When the School Board Chair said these numbers are different from last week. All members of the Superintendents staff began clamoring looking at one another. While the audience chuckled at the incompetence of the staff. The Superintendents staff after a three minute or more delay said it was the difference in MPC's high growth / moderate growth numbers.

MPC staff were asked after the meeting. We're your numbers used or not used? They said certain numbers were used and others not. MPC is not sure why.
This is the longtime game by the beaureacratic infrastructure of the school system.

During the meeting, there was an overflow area in the lobby area of the first floor and a certain Central Office Administrator was observed to be lounging in his chair taking a nap.

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