Friday, November 10, 2006

Russell Kocur

On November 1, 2006 there was a press conference regarding the Halloween night murder of Knox County School Security Officer Russell Kocur at Halls High School. The press conference was conducted at the Sheriffs Department with Sheriff Tim Hutchison conducting most of the Press Conference.

When it came time for the Superintendent of Schools to speak he referred to the School System Officer as Russell Stover.

Less than one year ago new Campbell County Superintendent Dr. Judy Blevins did not miss the names of the three Principals at Campbell County High School that were involved in that unfortunate incident at Campbell County Comprehensive High School. No Sheriff faced with losing an officer has missed the name with the incident having occurred within the past 24 hours.

A sad time in the Halls community and in Knox County and the victims name was not properly addressed. A sad time became sadder.

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