Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving, Black Friday and then Christmas

Thanksgiving goes so quickly and now Black Friday. Black Friday is the day that 20% of the Christmas Retail sales are conducted. Yesterday the sales circulars didn't appear to be as HOT as previous years.

The Brian's Blog wife is out with a few friends shopping, while I am enjoying a cup of coffee and the 2005 Rick Santorum book, It Takes A Family. The younger Brian's Blog children are enjoying cartoons, the older one is on the phone.

This weekend we will be decorating for Christmas. The oldest Brian's Blog son decorated the yard for Christmas, yesterday. So, our thoughts are on Christmas.

Christmas? Presents? Yes. Santa Claus? Probably, the kids are getting older.

The real meaning of Christmas for us is the birth of a Savior. God became flesh when he sent his son Jesus to the earth, he was born to a Virgin named Mary. Jesus lived a perfect sinless life and was crucified by the world. His death/burial/resurrection is redemption for mine and our sins. He arose and today sits on the right hand of the father in heaven.

The word (Bible) in 1 John 1:9 says If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins, and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Our days would be cold, lonely and useless without the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Check out Matthew 1:18, here or Luke Chapter 2, here.

The Crabb Family's song. Please Come Down to Me.

More on the Christmas holiday through the Brian's Blog world later.

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