Monday, November 13, 2006

This "Blue Dog Demo" is NO Blue Dog...But he and his party are in control

This Congressman wants a divorce to warrant a felony. This Congressman wants only those individuals that have never been divorced to hold public office. Had this Congressman had his way in the 1980's I would be eligible to serve, but not Ronald Reagan. I am opposed to this Congressman's plan. He is a self proclaimed "Blue Dog Democrat". If this is the Conservative branch of the new majority. God save our nation.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    Uh, ... this is a little old and out of context. Rep. Davis proposed this tounge in cheeck as a come back to the all the 'holier than thou' nonsense that was being floated at the time.
    Wasn't it Kay Authur (renowned Bible teacher) that said "text without context is pretext"?


  2. You are wrong that this was out of context and tongue in cheek (as you say cheeck)

    I confronted Davis about this at the Duncan BBQ (two -three weeks ago)and I had a couple of witnesses including a famous blogger, Davis stood by his comments as his heart statements.

    Just like Kerrey, speak with your mouth what your heart believes.

    Davis never backed up from the comments and never indicated they were tongue in cheek.

    He did have a hard time explaining how an ole' boy from Fentress County could want Adam and Steve instead of Adam and Eve to marry or how to explain to a woman to stay in an abusive relationship.

  3. I am not so sure I don't agree with Davis in light of Our Lord's teaching on the matter of divorce...I have not forgotten that teaching.

  4. Dave:

    I do not disagree that divorce without reason is wrong. Divorce should be rare. I have been married since 1988 to the same woman. People should work it out instead of saying I just don't love you anymore.

    The problem is Lincoln Davis wants women to remain in abusive relationships. That is wrong.
