Wednesday, November 29, 2006

West Knox County High School Re-zoning

Here is a story that appeared on WATE last evening. The chief architect of the "not our types in Farragut High School" is making the argument that we don't want too much overcrowding taken from Farragut High School. We only want the overcrowding that we don't like taken out. ie. "Those pesky non-Town of Farragut residents."

The goals of the school board and school system as voiced at the three community meetings is to 1) relieve overcrowding and 2) provide the same high school experience to and for all.

Relieving overcrowding is not achieved in the current plan. The same high school experience is not accomplished in the current plan.

The student numbers at Farragut, Bearden and Karns need to be added up and divide the number by 4 and the populations of Hardin Valley, Farragut, Bearden and Karns is then determined and the zone lines adjusted to reflect the same.

The Town of Farragut may not be able to stay together in order to achieve a proper balance. Plus remember the Town of Farragut is NOT in the education business. The town takes the sales tax dollars that Knox County and the City of Knoxville contributes to the public school system and funds parks and a town parade in July, instead of helping to educate children.

The citizens of Farragut that want to protect their own have not marched on town hall demanding their money to be spent on education. It is time for these "concerned" Farragutians to either talk the talk and put their sales tax dollars where their mouths are or just sit down with their classwarfare mentality.

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