Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Greg "Lumpy" Lambert now a target of the Scripps owned tabloid

On Monday, the media attacks on Greg "Lumpy" Lambert continued. This time not from the Metro Pulse but now from the Scripps owned north community tabloid.

The tabloid which has spent much time, energy and ink the past four years and in particular since August writing about their disdain for County Mayor Mike Ragsdale and spending much time poking fun at Commissioner Lambert have now pinned him in a negative light as a member of the "Dirty Dozen". The very people that the tabloid would led you to believe are enemies of Commissioner Lambert are also part of the "dirty dozen"

Even Mayor Ragsdale and Commissioner Lambert are on the same side on this issue. Obviously, this will now require the tabloid to turn their negative bias on Commissioner Lambert. The tabloid writer and editor are probably working tirelessly as we speak making up lies to print in their Gossip and Lies column.

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