Monday, December 11, 2006

Harold, Junior...Come On...One More Time

This from KnoxNews this morning. Harold, Junior notorious for saying one thing and denying the same to somebody else. Is doing it again. This time with elementary school kids and the L.A. Times.

Go ahead and announce Junior. We would like to opportunity to wage a campaign using your Kennedy/Clinton/Kerrey record, your words, your words and your words again.

Two years still would not make you a Tennessean. Your from D.C., not Tennessee. Senator Alexander is like Senator-elect Bob Corker. He is from Tennessee not D.C.

"Hey, Harold Call us."


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Bob Corker was not born in Tennessee. Exactly how is he more of a Tennessean than Junior is?

  2. Well, not to repeat the campign again that a MAJORITY of Tennesseans selected Senator-Elect Bob Corker. But here goes.

    Corker attended grade, middle and high school in Tennessee. Junior attended in D.C. Corker attended UT, while Junior did NOT. Corker built a successful business employing many citizens. He re-built Chattanooga. While Junior has only held a job in Washington since the graduated law school in Michigan and btw (by the way) hasn't passed the bar exam.

    So Corker has spent nearly ALL of his life in Tennessee while Junior has spent all of his life D.C.
