Sunday, December 10, 2006

Press Release Issued Today

KnoxGOP Chairman Announces Intention
Hornback Appreciative to the Party for the Opportunity to Serve

For Immediate Release
December 10, 2006

Knoxville, TN; Today, Brian Hornback, KnoxGOP Chairman in announcing his intentions for 2007 said. “I am appreciative of the opportunity to serve as the leader of Knox County’s majority party. Together we have experienced Great success.” “In August 2006 we swept the 5 countywide races where we were opposed, we won 14 of the 19 County Commission races, losing one.” Hornback said. “On November 7, 2006 we delivered more than 15,000 votes for United States Senator Elect Bob Corker, than his opponent received.” “Congressman Duncan was re-elected by the second largest percentage of any contested incumbent Member of Congress in the United States.” “We maintained every Tennessee Republican seat that we held including State Representative Stacey Campfield.”

In March of 2005 when he began his term, Chairman Hornback promised to bring fiscal accountability, a spirit of cooperation and cohesiveness between the grassroots and the party. In addition he pledged to implement business strategies and components in re-creating a professional organization. He promised that working together the two thousand and six election cycle would be successful for the Knox County Republican Party.

“I am proud to say today that Promises Made are Promises Kept. We re-located our office operation to a more visible, cost efficient, handicapped accessible location.” “Over the past 19 months we have held several unity events and three victory parties.” Hornback said. “We replaced two distinguished Judges with two excellent Judges. Our two new Republican Judges are General Sessions Judge Div.IV Andy Jackson VI and Chancellor Mike Moyers.” “We are pleased to have as our new Republican Law Director, John Owings.”

In conclusion, Hornback said. “My family has allowed me the opportunity to serve. My wife and children have sacrificed time without their husband and father for the good of the community and for a better Knox County government.” “It is time for me to honor them with my time, energy and devotion.”

In his announcement Hornback said that he will NOT be a candidate for Republican Party Chairman when the Knox County Republican party re-organizes in March of 2007. Hornback has previously held elective office serving as the Fifth District Knox County School Board Member.

When asked about his future plans. He said that he will continue to support Republican candidates and is not ruling out being active with Republican campaigns, candidates or a future candidacy. Hornback said “Being Chairman is hard work and it is about bringing individuals with diverse thoughts and attitudes together.” “I am pleased to say that working together, we can announce Mission Accomplished.”


  1. Brian;
    You will be sorely missed. It is my hope that we can all keep in touch and remain active together.

  2. Dave

    Thank You for your comments. I certainly appreciate having met individuals like yourself. That is one of the highlights of my service.

    I will continue blogging and remaining in contact with you and others will be my goal.

    Working actively together will be enjoyable.

    Stay in touch.

  3. Brian,

    You're a true Republican - through and through.

    Taking care of ones self and ones own family are at the foundation of our politics. If we all saw to the care of family and neighbors first, we'd have half the government and twice the liberty we do now.

    Instead, our friends on the other side want to take care of everyone with someone else's money - ours! It's a stark contrast in means - even if the end is similar.

    We'll impose on your time, talents, and energies as much as you and your family will allow.

    I know many Knox Countians grateful for your service. Count me amongst them.

  4. Mike:

    Thank you for your comments and certainly if you ever make a run. I would be grateful to be able to assist your campaign in anyway possible.

    I will continue to blog, as well.
