Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Bigger Issue than Term limits, Tyler Harber or Anything else

Scott Barker over at the News-Sentinel has a story that is bigger than the term limits issue, Tyler Harber or anything else. The story located here, indicates and confirms that several Commissioners have had conversations in violation of Tennessee's Open Meeting laws (Sunshine law).

This story could open each individual Commissioner to legal issues and potentially to removal from office. It also cast a shadow on the appointees. What did they know and When did they know it? Did they participate with the Commissioners in avoiding Tennessee law?

The nominee in South Knox County from his bio is owner of the Knoxville Floral Delivery Pool. His resume was not public until his was named. (I do commend Pinkston/Clark for the process of a citizen panel) Are other Commisisoners involved in a business that participates with the Knoxville Floral Delivery Pool?

These are questions, not accusations. Questions are what citizen journalist are supposed to ask. I am believing that Scott Barker will continue to ask the questions.

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