Wednesday, January 10, 2007

It appears that the tabloid writer is back at Metro Pulse writing Ear to the Ground

This earlier post from me concerning last weeks Ear to the Ground and then a Metro Pulse Letter to the Editor this week from another target of the same Ear to the Ground demonstrates that the whole thing was untruthful and as for me maybe Metro Pulse can invest in some better spy gear, something better than the dollar store stuff they have been using.


[In response to the Jan. 4 Ear-to-the-Ground speculation that Knox County Democratic Party Chair Jim Gray, who resigned in protest during the last election over the issue of term limits, may make a bid to return as chair]: I don’t know much about the Ear’s sources, but I do know how I spell relief: “e-x-C-h-a-i-r.” ’Nuf said.

Jim Gray
Democratic Party of Knox County, Chair (ret.)

Thanks for clearing the air Immediate Past Chair Gray.
God Bless and GodSpeed

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