Saturday, January 06, 2007

Metro Pulse Admits to "Dirty Tricks"

This from the Metro Pulse's Ear to the Ground. Metro Pulse is an alternative weekly news publication. Ear to the Ground is a regular feature in the publication.

Musical Chairs

Knox County Democratic Party Chair Jim Gray resigned in protest during the last election over the issue of term limits—and the failure of several incumbents to

recognize them. When the party holds elections this spring for the coming year, Gray is expected to make a bid to return as chair.

Meanwhile, Republican Party chair Brian Hornback has announced he will not be a candidate for another term. Hornback, who spends a lot of time blogging, calling talk shows and arguing with Democrats on community forums, hasn’t been besieged with calls for him to reconsider.

It would appear that the liberal gang over at the Metro Pulse are acknowledging "Watergate" style "Dirty Tricks" in admitting that they have been monitoring the phone lines on/of the Chairman. However, the liberal gang has not quite made it to the 20th or the 21st century as they have obviously not been monitoring my cell phone conversations.

For a little background on Chairman Gray. He said that it was neccesary for him to step down (resign) because he could not honor his oath of office as Chairman. I wonder what has changed for the good Deaniac Gray?

A little background on the Metro Pulse staff, most all are professed liberals with the exception of Frank Cagle and he endorsed the Democrat Congressman and nephew of indicted State Senator John Ford for the U.S. Senate seat which was actually won by Republican Bob Corker. Proving that Cagle has no influence in elections as he failed Van Hilleary as a paid staffer and this year failed Ford, Junior in a Democrat landslide kind of year.

Frank is still a little hot that I exposed him on talk radio and he admitted during my call on talk radio that his endorsement of Junior was a personal slap aimed at Tom Ingram. Evidently, Cagle is a little jealous of someone like Ingram. Ingram can engineer Republican wins in good and bad Republican years. The only thing Cagle has accomplished is a loss in a good Republican year. I guess that is where this line came from "
calling talk shows and arguing with Democrats" I didn't realize that Cagle was now considering himself a Democrat. Maybe he is not. He may not have knowledge of this Ear to the Ground.

This is fun fodder, I can take it. Hopefully, they can too.

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