Wednesday, January 31, 2007

New Sheriff J.J. Jones

It didn't take long once Lumpy showed up to select a new Sheriff. As Commissioners names were called and everyone passed until R. Larry Smith. Smith in a rude display of behavior questioned "what are we doing here?" acting as if he didn't know what was up. He then placed the name of J.J. Jones for Sheriff.

It is custom for all Commissioners to pass until a Commissioner places the name in nomination. From my observation, I believe (and have not confirmed this) that Scott Moore intended to nominate Sheriff Jones and Commissioner R. Larry Smith in essence jumped in front of Chairman Moore to nominate J.J. Jones. Chairman Moore as always presented himself as a class act. There were no other nominations and J.J. Jones was elected Sheriff and they proceeded to administer the oath of office.

J.J. Jones will be as good as Sheriff Hutchison. I am just not sure that anyone can be better than Sheriff Hutchison but Sheriff Jones will be as good.

We can all sleep well, tonight. Our businesses will be protected during the evenings and our neighborhoods will be protected during the day time.

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