Friday, January 26, 2007

Saturday Fifth District County Commission "REPLACEMENT" Forum

From today's Knoxville News Sentinel this announcement:

Commissioners Craig Leuthold and Mike Hammond announced a public event Saturday at the Cedar Bluff library branch to "meet and greet" candidates for the 5th District seat now held by John Griess. "It's a chance to talk to them face to face," Leuthold said of the 10 a.m.-noon event. "It's open to the public."

Commissioner John Griess is NOT a host to this Fifth District event. Brian's Blog confirmed today that Commissioner Griess is not scheduled to attend. Brian Hornback and other Brian's Blog reporters are expected to attend.

The idea of REPLACEMENTS bring several things to mind like this.

Pros on strike. Everyday guys get to play. & Pain heals, Chicks dig scars,... Glory lasts forever.

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