Monday, January 29, 2007

Sheriff Moncier

The Knoxville News-Sentinel has an interesting article from the excellent interview that Sheriff Hutchison participated in and aired on WBIR on Sunday January 28, 2007. Here is the article. It is interesting that the News-Sentinel has to write a story based on a television interview, instead of requesting and being granted an interview themselves. But I digress.

Here is what I thought was bizarre about what lawyer Moncier had to say in response to the Sheriff's interview. Moncier wrote. "I believe in a government of the people, for the people, elected by the people. Not a government of professional politicians who horde power; who peddle government jobs and contracts to their friends and supporters; who punish those who disagree with them; who abuse the powerless; and who become multi-millionaires while in office peddling their influence."

I have some news for the readers of Brian's Blog. Sheriff Hutchison has been elected by the people. The election in August 2006 in particular was historic. The Sheriff was re-elected to a fifth term. No Sheriff in Knox County history has been elected by the people to more terms than Sheriff Hutchison.

No Sheriff in Knox County history has quickly solved more crimes. Locked up more bad guys. Protected more neighborhoods and businesses and has the resources to respond to businesses when customers have assaulted employees of the business even when the business is in the city limits (it is still in Knox County, when it is in the city)

No matter what Harry Moskos (former Editor of the Sentinel had written), no matter what Herbert's lawsuits said or alleged. The PEOPLE of Knox County have elected and re-elected OUR Republican Sheriff in 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002 and again in 2006.

To the News-Sentinel and lawyer Moncier. Thanks for the memories. Now let's all go to McDonald's and up size the value meal.

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