Tuesday, January 16, 2007

TN Supreme Court Opines Part II

One of my previous post located here has generated some comments. Scott Emge left a comment and then according to a source posted same on a local blog forum. I withdrew from the forum a couple of months ago due to numerous posters posing as persons they are not.

I approved the comment from Emge as every comment that adheres to Brian's Blog Rules of Engagement for Commenting are approved and published.

In previous conversations and chance encounters with Scott Emge. He has always appeared to be a pleasant person. We have always had cordial conversations.

Scott asked the following:

Brian, I may not always agree with everything you say but I've always admired the hard work you always do for your candidates and your party. I do need to pose this question to you though...If you are and have been such a strong advocate for term limits as you claim, why did you aggressively campaign for most of these soon to be ousted office holders when they were obviously term limited? The recent Supreme Court decision didn't suddenly enact term limits; it just shot down all the flimsy excuses that had been offered so far to avoid term limits. Thanks, Scott Emge

My response to Scott was simply:

Because it was/is my job.

I was in fact (not my claim) involved in the 1994 campaign, we had several organizational meetings at the former Deane Hill Country Club.

What the Democrats of 2006 do not understand is that as Chairman of the Knox County Republican Party, I first understood what my oath of office meant when I took it. I understood what my role and duties as Chairman are when elected.

My Republican candidates were selected in the May 2006 Republican Primary (just as Scott Emge was chosen in the May 2006 Democrat Primary) it was my duty to elect and re-elect everyone of them. Thanks to the hard work of my party members and candidates we were victorious and the Democrats lost.

I thank Scott for his comment that "I've always admired the hard work you always do for your candidates and your party." I am blessed to have been given through my family with a work ethic and hope that you will take note of Scott's recognition of my ability to be committed to the task. When committed to a task and submit to hard work, you will be successful.

1 comment:

  1. Fair enough. Thanks for the reply Brian. Take care
