Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Being a D.J. does qualify you to be a respected journalist

The folks over at the local blog forum have asked a question about a Brian's Blog post. Why they are so cowardly to not it post here, is a good question. We guess they like their own little group of 5 men/women.

Yes, Walker Johnson does qualify as a journalist. For those of you that ain't from around here. CP and Walker were the most well known radio broadcasters of the time. Walker's voice is still recognized by a large majority of listeners in East Tennessee. Republican and Democrat alike.

As for Brian's Blog or Brian Hornback having an enemies list. One doesn't exist. Brian Hornback has defended himself to E.W. Scripps management when a story was written one sided without allowing him to respond prior to publication. This is a serious violation of journalistic standards and ethics. The story only had comments from the previous GOP Chairman that has made it known that Brian Hornback is on his enemies list.

As for other members of the media. (IE. the Editor of the tabloid) Brian's Blog tries to keep her accurate and within the confine of the journalistic standards and ethics . She in the past has proudly stated that she supported Brian Hornback for elective office in 1990. She made this statement in front of her boss and was corrected by Brian Hornback, reminding her of whom she supported, she just put her head down. Having a good memory isn't a trait of a tabloid.

As for Gene Patterson. Brian Hornback likes Gene. Brian just felt that he should have been better prepared for the Ragsdale interview. Brian is sure that Gene took the helpful advice as constructive criticism, the way it was intended. .

As for the question of why the Brian's Blog team has a blog entitled Halls Newz. It is because someone out of state has the Halls News that they post about their family. It is that simple. We would encourage the 3 -5 that like the little circle of friends at the local blog forum to branch out and post all you want here at Brian's Blog. You can generate an anonymous name on blogspot and post away.

As for why the Brian's Blog team or Brian Hornback do not post over at the local blog forum. If you will remember Brian Hornback removed himself many months ago. He is true to his word.

Thanks and Keep reading. In addition, Check out Walker's response to the local blog forum here.

The Brian's Blog team have several different blogs. Some we have not started posting, yet. Check them out by clicking on the View Complete Profile on the main page of Brian's Blog. One Brian's Blog team blog that we partner with other bloggers, that you will NOT find under our list is Harold Fraud, Jr.

Thanks and Happy Reading.

1 comment:

  1. I browse this blog and the other. In general I am starting to get this notion that much of Knoxville politics is simply comprised of a series of ad hominem arguments.

    From wikipedia:

    An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the person", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument by attacking or appealing to the person making the argument, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument. It is most commonly used to refer specifically to the ad hominem abusive, or argumentum ad personam, which consists of criticizing or personally attacking an argument's proponent in an attempt to discredit that argument.
