Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Farragut Community Meeting

Nearly 75 people attended the meeting at First Farragut United Methodist Church. I am still battling a winter cold and right before a major coughing episode broke out, I hit the door. In addition, I wanted to see the second half of the Tennessee basketball game.

I am unaware of all the brainstorm input that was ultimately shared with the Big group. I hope some of the organizers can forward those to me.

I am impressed with the proposal that was thrown out for discussion. I am going to report that proposal here, because WATE has tonight at 11:00 pm reported the numbers of persons attending and I will assume they will be reporting the discussion in the near future. The Farragut Press was also in attendance and I am sure they will be reporting the discussion as well.

The proposal is to make the proposed Hardin Valley High School the Farragut Middle School. Take the current Farragut Middle School and create a Ninth and Tenth grade Farragut High School. The current Farragut High School would become the Eleventh and Twelfth grade Farragut High School.

There was some discussion that breaking it by grades may not be as logical as breaking it by subject matters. Maybe English and Math in one building and the other subject matters in the other building. There would have to be some logistics worked out in that the commute would be similar to changing from the A concourse to the E concourse at Harts field International Airport in Atlanta. Some shuttling maybe required.

Before this proposal is laughed at, made fun of or tossed out some thought and study should be given to it.

Karns High School is being expanded and will accommodate nearly 2500. Bearden High School according to the MPC study is not expected to be overcrowded and the school board hasn't planned any new students at Bearden High.

When A.L. Lotts was built the Charter class of kindergartners were the 1999 Charter class of West Valley Middle School. Thus, making the case that a Middle school beside Hardin Valley Elementary School makes sense.
Thanks to Pamela Treacy, Fiona Hill, Sue Edwards and all others for spending the time in looking at other options. Examining some out of the box concepts and especially tonight in welcoming a blogger and former elected official that at times was not too complimentary of your proposals during the fall and for not taring and feathering him at the door.

Brian's Blog is still studying the community proposal and will be posting again on this soon.

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