Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fred Thompson Feels Push To Enter Presidential Race.

Brian's Blog received the following exclusive bulletin from U.S. News. This is promising and a little Good News.

Fred Thompson, the former Tennessee Republican senator who’s now a Law & Order prosecutor and regular replacement for radio host Paul Harvey, is being urged by supporters to consider entering the presidential race, according to associates. “The draft Fred movement is growing,” says one ally.

They say that Thompson is flattered by the suggestions, but it is unclear if he is turning away their appeals. The effort is growing among conservative blogs, where several boards are pushing the folksy straight-talker to get in. One associate who has worked for the administration and on previous presidential campaigns said that while the GOP field is crowded, it is still dominated by candidates like Sen. John McCain and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani who are viewed skeptically by conservatives, opening up a potential avenue for Thompson to join.

The associate also said that Thompson, long a Hollywood star who has played the White House chief of staff and military officers, has such large name recognition that he could stay out for a while and still make waves if he entered late -- or as a vice presidential candidate next year. In the blogs, he’s huge., a blog for business leaders and conservatives, has noted Thompson’s fill-in work for Harvey where he often makes conservative appeals. has called on readers to vote for Thompson in online polls to show the former senator “that he has support.”

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