Sunday, February 18, 2007

Halls "Tabloid" News and the Tabloid writer is at it Again

Brian's Blog has followed the last two weeks of a series written by the tabloid writer employed by E.W. Scripps owned Halls Shopper "Tabloid" News. The first part was entitled The rapid rise of Scoobbie Moore. The second part was entitled The rapid rise of Scoobbie Moore - Part II.

If you check the home page of the tabloid's website the name Scoobbie is identified as Scoobby on the home page. The right hand never pays attention to the left hand at the operation of a tabloid. But we digress.

After the first part appeared last week, the Brian's Blog team contacted sources close to Knox County Commission Chairman Scott Moore. Our question was had the tabloid writer contacted Chairman Moore for comment. Our sources reported back that he had received a message from the tabloid saying that they would give him an opportunity to respond in Part II.

After this evening's Part II appeared and Chairman Moore had no comment printed in the article. The Brian's Blog team contacted our source again and our source reported back that Chairman Moore was NOT contacted by the tabloid or the tabloid writer for comment on this two part series.

Brian's Blog team was looking at this closely, because Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog was the victim of similar dirty tricks by the same tabloid writer and tabloid in which the writer and publication violated journalistic ethics and standards in writing a two part series about Brian Hornback and not seeking comments from him in response. His ultimate response to the tabloid after E.W. Scripps management was involved is linked on the tabloid website under the County Confidential series with the link Hornback Responds.

It is obvious that the tabloid writer, editor and publication owned by E.W. Scripps does not adhere to common journalistic ethics and standards from individuals that they personally dislike.

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