Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Have You Heard the Good News

Amillia Taylor was born in South Florida last October after just 21 weeks and 6 days in the womb. ABC Anchor Charles Gibson teased the story: “A tiny miracle that raises big questions in the debate over abortion."

Today, Amillia is 4 pounds and will be heading home in a few days. This could spell doom for those of you of the pro-death advocate type. This is a Victory for the pro-life crowd. As life can flourish outside the womb then death becomes a real tangible measure.

In the past those of us on the pro-life side say that conception is the start of life. Pro-death advocates say it is a mass of tissue until it can survive on its own. Well, young Amillia has proven at 21 weeks and 6 days a baby can survive outside the womb.

Rep. Campfield, Get those certificates ready.

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