Thursday, February 08, 2007

Knox County Commissioner Mike Hammond

County Commissioner Mike Hammond announced on the radio station that he manages that he "was concerned with the politics of personal destruction" and because of such he would not be a candidate for re-election in 2010, tough he is eligible for re-election in 2010.

At the time and even now it seems to be a noble position. Brian's Blog has been reminded that in 2004 while running for the remainder of former Commissioner Mike Arms position that Hammond continued to deliver the statement and pledge that "he would not take disagreement or conflict, personally."

It would appear that with his stated position of "politics of personal destruction" that he may be taking the accusation that he and Commissioner Griess may have violated the TN Open Meeting Law personally or maybe there is something more.

This afternoon a Brian's Blog source directed the Brian's Blog team to the KGIS website to locate property owned by Michael Lee Hammond and his wife.

It reveals that he and his wife own the property in a Cedar Bluff community that allows him to satisfy the property qualifications to serve as the Fifth District County Commissioner. It also reveals that within one year (6-27-2005) of being elected to the unexpired term of former Commissioner Mike Arms that Commissioner Hammond and his wife purchased a home and property in South Knox County. The property is located in the Ninth Commission District. The voting location for this property is Hopewell School located at 757 Kimberlin Heights Road. The Commissioners that serve this property are Commissioner Paul Pinkston and the newly appointed Commissioner Tim Greene.

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