Thursday, February 01, 2007

Knoxville News-Sentinel Incompetence or Mistake?

Less than one hour ago, I called the Knoxville News-Sentinel and spoke with an Editor and asked. "As Chairman of the Knox County Republican Party, can you please tell me who the picture is on the front page that is identified as Richard Cate". The comment back was "that isn't Richard Cate?" I said "not by a long shot." I gave the Editor my phone number.

In the meantime I discovered through my team of sources spread throughout the metropolitan area that the photograph is of Art Cate. It appears that Art Cate is an employee of KCDC. I called the Editor back and informed him of the true identity of the person in the photograph. He said they just discovered that and would try and run a correction tomorrow.

A few things come to mind on this controversy. 1) The E.W. Scripps tabloid is beginning to rub off on the News-Sentinel 2) Editor McElroy really has been spending to much time on non profit boards 3) it is incompetence or 4) It was a simple mistake.

I am believing it is Number 4 and they will do better in the future.

And you thought being Chairman was an easy job.

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