Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Mark Cawood and Diane Jordan Continue to Serve

This morning following the special called meeting. The County Commission re-organized . That means that the 8 new Commissioners were appointed to each respective Committee (Intergovernmental and Finance) Also the elections were held to appoint Commissioner Paul Pinkston, Commission Chairman Scott Moore and Commission Vice-Chairman Tank Strickland to the Pension Board.

Each committee met to elect its Chairman and Vice-Chairman. the Intergovernmental Committee elected Craig Leuthold, Chairman and Tony Norman, Vice Chairman. The Finance Committee elected Paul Pinkston, Chairman and Ivan Harmon, Vice Chairman.

In a shocking revelation, Commissioner Mark Harmon asked why Commissioner Mark Cawood was listed as Chairman of BZA (Board of Zoning Appeals) "that must be a typo". Commission Chairman Moore called on the Law Director to explain.

The Law Director said the BZA is a different creature. When appointments are made they are for a term of four years. There is NOT a requirement that it be a Commissioner. Of the 8 term limited Commissioners three served on the BZA. Mark Cawood, Diane Jordan and Phil Guthe. Phil Guthe has advised the Commission office through a phone conversation that he will be resigning the BZA. The Commission has appointed Lee Tramel contingent on Phil Guthe's resignation.

Mark Cawood and Diane Jordan will continue to serve. Will this headache ever go away?

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