Friday, February 02, 2007

Mike Hammond Announces Intention In The Aftermath Of The Commission Appointment Process

Commissioner Mike Hammond announced this morning on NewsTalk 100 that "due to the politics of personal destruction" he will not be a candidate for re-election in 2010. He indicated that he is eligible for re-election in 2010.

He indicated on air that he supported the nomination of Commissioner Frank Leuthold due to his experience, ability and his commitment to not run for election in 2008. I contacted Commissioner Hammond and requested a response to his statement, because at the Cedar Bluff Library forum last Saturday. Frank Leuthold had not applied, did not speak, did not say that he would run or not run for Commission in 2008.

Qualified applicant Terry Shupp did speak at the forum, she had submitted her resume and followed the requested procedure of Commissioners Hammond and Craig Leuthold and other Commissioners. Knox County citizen Joe Milsaps asked if any applicant for 5C had made a commitment not to run in 2008. Terry Shupp made that position known.

Commissioner Hammond responded to a request by Brian's Blog this morning. Commissioner Hammond prior to contacting Brian's Blog reviewed the tape and in his response said that Frank Leuthold was the only "appointee" appointed to make the pledge. He pointed out that Commissioner Tony Norman nominated Ms. Shupp. Commissioner Hammond believed Commissioner Norman's nomination was based on Ms. Shupp's commitment to serve until 2008. If that is the case good for Commissioner Norman. For Commissioner Hammond, Craig Leuthold and John Griess to ignore all the applicants is hypocritical and disingenuous.

I appreciate Commissioner Hammond calling me back after reviewing the tape and explaining his position and actions.

I do believe that all the applicants in my district of District 5 should have been considered and nominated. I believe that if not running for election in 2008 was a desire of the three Commissioners than one of the three should have nominated Terry Shupp instead of Commissioner Norman having to do what the three Commissioners refused to do.

In order to be the only appointed appointee to make that pledge, the appointee needs to first be the only candidate to make that pledge. Frank Leuthold never announced as a candidate.

Many Commissioners over the course of the past couple of weeks informed me and other Brian's Blog sources they would be taking the lead from the district Commissioners in the affected districts. Obviously, in the appointment of the Fifth District Seat C this was the case. In the appointment of other districts Commissioners didn't necessarily take the direction of the District Commissioners.

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