Tuesday, February 20, 2007

News-Sentinel's Counter Offer

The News-Sentinel has offered that if the Commission will conduct a do-over, they will drop their suit. How can the County Commission seat the old 8 County Commissioners, when the New 8 Commissioners have been appointed and sworn into office?

Does the News-Sentinel believe that the appointments would be different in a do-over?

As for the threat that County Commissioners may have to turn over email and phone records. Yes, they should hand over county owned telephone records and emails on a Knox County computer. But, if they have personal cell phones and personal computers, then they should not be required to turn them over.

By the way. What is the News-Sentinel's fascination with other peoples emails? First, the former Knox County Republican Party Chairman's emails and now the world.


  1. Brian -

    If the violations are found, it would be safe to say that any legislation passed by the then-defunct commissioners would be invalid.

    So, yeah, the suit by the KNS is more than just a nuisance. It could end up invalidating a passed budget, for instance.



  2. Good point, from a legal eagle expert.

