Friday, March 23, 2007

Arrogance: Rescuing America from the Media Elite by Bernard Goldberg

I have just finished reading the 2003 follow-up book from Bernard Goldberg. The first book was Bias. It was an Insider’s look into Bias in the newsrooms and in particular CBS. Goldberg spent nearly his entire career as a journalist at CBS.

Arrogance is an insider look at many other incidents. Goldberg interviews Tim Russert and Bob Costas. He details many different instances where Bias was and continues to be used against those of Conservative view.

Goldberg details a twelve step program for the Big 3 to follow to rid itself of the Bias and expose itself to the Real America.

Here is an interesting thought from the book John McWhorter, the scholar and author came up with a great idea in an op-ed he wrote about a hit piece that he exposed from the bias used on a piece written about Judge Clarence Thomas. “I wish a foundation would dedicate a grant to writing profiles of profile writers themselves,” he said in his op-ed “especially of anyone who has written about race. For some…it would be a hit job, reveling in minor inconsistencies in their writing and low moments in their lives, mentioning a few strengths for ‘balance’ but matching each with an acrid quote from an ex-lover or childhood friend. Maybe, just maybe, such writers would then understand the difference between ‘balance’ and fun house mirror distortion – and think twice before contributing to the swill that passes for coverage of some of our most important black thinkers today.”

Bernard Goldberg goes on to say: “It’s a lovely thought, isn’t it letting these people occasionally know exactly how it feels to be savaged in print? If all journalists actually faced a realistic prospect of being exposed themselves – of seeing their biases and petty natures revealed before the world, of knowing before hand there are those out there ready to call them to account – I’m betting most would actually be more careful before taking irresponsible potshots at someone the next time.”

Brian’s Blog may just become this source beginning locally and moving regionally exposing the Bias writing of “journalists” At least three “journalists” come to mind at this posting and interviews could begin within the next week. Stay Tuned.

Remember this book is written and targeted toward the media. I have never taken the shots fired at me personally. I correct “journalists” when they get it wrong, but don’t take it personally. My family may take it personally, but not me. With that said, here is an interesting quote from Benjamin Franklin more than 200 years ago. It is found in the 12th and Final Step. Step 12: Stop taking it personally. “Our critics are our friends, they show us our faults” So, as Brian’s Blog begins to expose Bias and the people that perpetrate bias. To the taloids and those tabloid girls remember, Brian’s Blog is your friend just showing you your faults.

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