Monday, March 19, 2007

Breaking News: Zach Wamp and Jimmy Duncan Give Draft Fred Steam

The Right Leadership for America

Congressmen Wamp and Duncan Announce the Launch of the Official Draft Fred Thompson 2008 Committee

For Immediate Release Contact: Dean Rice
March 19, 2007

(Knoxville, TN) -- Two prominent members of the Tennessee Congressional delegation today announced the formation of a committee designed to encourage former Senator Fred D. Thompson to seek the Republican presidential nomination.

Congressmen Zach Wamp and John J. Duncan, Jr. will serve as co-chairmen of the "Draft Fred Thompson 2008" committee. The committee's goal is to recruit and organize citizens from both the public and private sectors into a leadership group that will serve as a clearinghouse for Thompson supporters from across the country.

"It is becoming increasingly obvious that a growing number of Americans want Fred Thompson to join the 2008 presidential campaign," said Wamp. "Senator Thompson's ability to communicate an optimistic vision for America, coupled with his strong conservative credentials, makes him an ideal choice for thousands of our fellow citizens."

Duncan said he was "proud to lend my name and energy to this important draft effort." "I have known Fred Thompson for many years," the Congressman continued, "and I believe he is an exceptional national leader who has the character and integrity to be an outstanding president."

A third Congressman from Tennessee, freshman David Davis, a well known conservative leader, has also agreed to become a member of the committee, according to Wamp and Duncan.

The co-chairmen said they believed that scores of other prominent leaders from Tennessee and across the country will be joining the draft movement in the next several weeks.

"I believe that thousands of Americans from every walk of life will join this grass-roots effort" Duncan said. "They will help us send a clear message to Senator Thompson that he should take the next step and announce his candidacy."

Wamp said Thompson "personifies strength and trust. His charisma, eloquence, and exemplary public service have inspired Tennesseans and Americans alike. When I ask my conservative colleagues in Congress if Fred should run, it’s like setting off fireworks above the Capitol."
"America needs Fred Thompson to answer this call," said Congressman Wamp.

Dean Rice of Knoxville, a former aide to Thompson and now a government relations executive, is the treasurer of the Draft Fred Thompson 2008 committee. He urged those interested in the campaign to visit the committee's web site, or e-mail

Paid for by Draft Fred Thompson 2008. Not Paid for by any Candidate or Candidate's Committee.

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