Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Gift The 12 Greatest Tools of Personal Growth

I have just finished reading an excellent book entitled The Gift The 12 Greatest Tools of Personal Growth - and How to Put Them into Practice. This book written by Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D. is a book that I highly recommend.

The book was given to me as a gift by my friend Hubert Smith of the famed Hubert Smith Radio Show.

The most important take aways for me are The Gift of Helping Other People Grow. The Gift of Believing in Yourself. The Gift of Changing Your Self-Talk. The Gift of Exceptional Attitude. The Gift of Finding Your Focus. The Gift of Setting Great Goals. The Gift of Taking Control of Your time and Your Life. and The Gift of Never Giving Up.

I believe that this writer has encapsulated more direction and motivation in this 200 page book than any focus, business book that I have read in recent memory.

Shad Helmstetter has written two other books. What To Say When You Talk To Your Self and Who Are You Really And What Do You Want. I really intend to try and secure these books in the near future and consume them as well.

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