Saturday, March 03, 2007

Hail to the Chief for President Fred Thompson?

Brian's Blog have sources that indicate the 2008 Presidential race is getting ready to become interesting. Our Sources indicate that Former United States Senator Fred Thompson is close to entering the race for President.

Brian's Blog will have a party if our former Senator jumps into the campaign. Brian's Blog will be blogging from around the country as Fred Dalton Thompson is campaigning and running for President.

Here are some great photos from around the web of our former Senator and future President of the United States.


  1. My sources indicate that he is getting closer to a decision. It is promising.

  2. Senator Fred is the only candidate I've an airport waiting room. He is a humble listener. He believes in all of we should in him.

    I can only hope that those who know him and speak well of him call everyone by name, with whom we meet and converse. Address them by name and remember their names; and never call them sir or madam. If we use the latter titles instead of their names, they will forget us,. our candidate and pull the wrong lever.

    That's politics in its simplest form. We must remember those who are hurt by any system of government and make their needs known are satisfied. Fred Thompson can do that with our help.

    WyEtte of Cleveland
