Sunday, March 25, 2007

Tabloid Interview that led to Tabloid story

Many of you may have read a story in the North Knox or the new West Side tabloids last week concerning the change of Knox County Republican Party leadership change. The week before it was on the tabloid's website as a website exclusive. As many of Brian Hornback's comments were not included in the stories. Brian's Blog is sharing the interview in its entirety for the good of the people.

On 3/11/2007 at 1:25 pm the question came

Brian: The first big challenge facing Irene is to replenish the GOP treasury. Do you care to comment on why it fell from $17,600 when you came into office to $309 as you leave? -- s

On 3/11/2007 at 2:11 pm the following response was sent, copying the Supervisor of tabloid editor girl.

USE These quotes as presented, no editing, no spin:

"During my two years, you have left out of your question, that we raised $16,009.94 totaling $33,953.66. So, your question is Where did the expenditures go?"

"The cost of an office, the cost of a media campaign over the past summer that included aggressive radio buys and print ads (even a full page ad in your publication and in the other community papers like the Fountain City Focus) Winning those campaigns were important and more costly due in part to the E.W. Scripps Companies editorial position on "term limit turmoil" and the Democrats "colored ballot"

"The Lincoln Day Dinner will be held within the next couple of months and as former Chairman my position maintains a seat on the Executive Committee for the next two years and I will work with the entire group to ensure that we have the adequate resources to continue with our current responsibilities."

"Had we maintained the high cost, non handicapped accessible location in West Knoxville we would have fallen short of being able to have an aggressive unity campaign this past summer and had the potential to lose races. I focused like a laser beam on winning races. That we did."

Brian Hornback

On 3/11/2007 at 5:19 pm a follow-up question came addressed to a former Chairman and Brian Hornback the current former Chairman

Chad: I've copied this to Brian for his comment if he desires.

According to the treasurer's report handed out yesterday, the balance when you left office (March 11, 2005) was $17,925.72.

During Brian's tenure, the party raised some $16,000 but spent some $33,600, leaving a balance of $309.35.

He says the money was used for campaigns and a future Lincoln Day Dinner will replenish the treasury.

I have these questions:

1. Did you spend money for campaigns when you were party chair? Do you recall the total income and outgo?

2. Doesn't the Lincoln Day Dinner normally fall in February -- on or about Lincoln's birthday?

In other words, did you hold TWO Lincoln Day Dinners plus a Ben Atchley fund-raiser during your tenure compared to Brian holding only one Lincoln Day Dinner during his?

Thanks for your response. -- Sandra

On 3/11/2007 at 5:43 pm I answered this series of questions with the following.

With all due respect my local North Knoxville tabloid Editor.

Chad had a campaign it was the 2004 Presidential election where he was able to sell merchandise for a profit. He did not have an election where it was necessary to run advertisements in reputable publications and yours.

He did have the Ben Atchley dinner and two Lincoln Day Dinners. Congressman Duncan has and continues to be working on a speaker for the 2007 dinner. That is the delay in this years. In previous years it has been held in March, April and May. We scheduled last year close to Lincoln's birth and had to reschedule it due to inclement weather that prohibited Senator Chambliss from making it.

Have a Blessed day.

Brian Hornback

As a conclusion of the interview a follow-up email was sent to the tabloid editor girl's supervisor about the interview and an error in her question.


Here is a point, your editor says in an email to Chadwick B. Tindell and I that she has a copy of the treasurer's report and says that during my term we raised $16,000.00

The Treasurer's report states that we raised $16,009.94 and you wonder why no one trust the information from your tabloid publication.

Brian Hornback

As another follow-up on Tuesday 3/20/2007 the tabloid editor girl reported that during Chairman Hornback's term there was no fundraisers and the party did not take bids for the directories. Both of these comments were not factual and a phone call was made to the tabloid editor girl correcting her misinformation. There were at least three fundraisers, not including the 2006 Lincoln Day Dinner and the upcoming 2007 Lincoln Day Dinner.

Bids were solicited for the directories. Three local companies responded and the low bid was awarded. This directory was the first to be paid for solely with advertisement dollars.

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