Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Couple of New Blogs Added to Brian's Blog Daily Reads

There are two new blog's over on the Daily Read links. One is Domestic Psychology, check it out here. The other is Reality Me, check it out, here. I didn't ask for permission to link them here at Brian's Blog, if they disappear quickly and quietly, well you know why.

I met both of these folks (who happen to be married, shh, don't tell anybody) during the High School Rezoning. From the little exposure that I have gotten to and from these folks they appear to be great people. The blogs are superior.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    "if they disappear quickly and quietly, well you know why"

    And that would be after you realize "yikes! I've linked to a couple of nuts!" :)

    I have to agree that meeting Brian was the greatest part of the whole rezoning snafu. Brian's a great guy!

    And thank you for your kind words.

  2. LOL.

    No, I meant that if they disappeared quickly and quietly it would happen because they said take us off your blog.

